Sustainability IS as Sustainability DOES
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“The location is a perfect fit for what Belimo is all about, “ says Amy Cervantes, who served as Project Manager for the new facility and is the current Customer Service Supervisor at Sparks. “We really tried to ‘walk the walk’ with everything that we did in this facility.”
That includes the use of Belimo’s own energy saving products, prominently displayed so visitors can observe firsthand how the products improve controllability, comfort, and efficiency. In fact, the display helped Belimo earn the LEED Innovation In Design credit.
Inside the office portion of the building there are 3 variable-air-volume boxes which deliver conditioned air to the space. Each of these has a see-thru cover so that you can observe the operation of three different Belimo valves (a globe valve, a CCV, and a Pressure Independent CCV). The input parameters to all the valves are the same, so the display provides a clear apples to apples comparison to how each valve operates. Most importantly, the display clearly illustrates that Belimo’s Pressure Independent CCV (known as the PICCV) responds to variations in demand more accurately and more consistently than the other valve configurations. The PICCV is Belimo’s most advance control device and can be used to regulate flow through air handlers, heating and cooling coils, fan coil units, unit ventilators and VAV re-heat coils with unparalleled accuracy, which means greater comfort for building occupants and better overall efficiency.
Beyond Control
The Sparks facility isn’t just about displaying Belimo’s control prowess. Other strategies have helped pave the way for LEED Gold certification. Some of the more prominent strategies include:
- Water efficiency landscaping with bioswales to prevent water runoff and erosion
- Dual flush toilets
- Sub-metering of mechanical room devices so that energy consumption of pumps, air handlers, and computer room air conditioning units can be closely monitored and recorded.
- Onsite waste management and recycling
- Enhanced ventilation for better indoor air quality
- Occupancy sensors and dimmer switches for efficient control of lighting
- Evaporative coolers in the warehouse, which allow Belimo to
take advantage of the dessert climate to produce a certain amount of “free cooling” through the evaporation of water.
“It is a fabulous work environment,” says Ms. Cervantes. “One where not only our employees can enjoy their day, but where we can teach our employees and our sales reps about the role that controls have in sustainable building.”
Learn more how Belimo products and solutions have assisted other buildings in being more energy efficient and/or visit there web site at: