How to Retrofit Actuators and Valves in HVAC Systems: A Simple Guide
HVAC equipment installed in the early to late 1990s is coming close to the end of its service life. You can immediately lower your HVAC energy and repairs costs in the near future with retrofit solutions.
Spending time and money to revitalize old actuators and valves only delays the inevitable and will result in unplanned downtime. Retrofitting can provide you with a lower investment, lower overhead costs and peace of mind.
With facility managers and owners looking for cost effective solutions, Belimo has provided custom solutions:
- Offset mounting of SY actuators for valves with clearance issues
- Replacement linkages for globe and butterfly valves
- Replacement linkages of “industrial” ball valves
- Replacement of damper actuators using SY series actuators
- Pneumatic to electronic actuator conversion kits
- Custom application specific solutions
- Short stroke globe valve linkages
This is the short list of solutions which provided reduce maintenance, repair and operating downtime. Technical sales support can provide a site survey to determine the condition of the existing equipment and evaluate the system and loads within the unit(s). At this time you can identify and address comfort, indoor air and water flow issues. Technical sales support specialists can offer different custom options to fit your needs. From product selection and custom linkage solutions to installation direction – Belimo is your retrofit provider.
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